IAL Uses of Crude Oil Notes

7 years ago

What is crude oil and how it is formed? Crude oil, also known as petroleum is a viscous brown liquid…

IGCSE Factors affecting the rate of reaction Notes

7 years ago

What is Rate of Reaction? The rate of reaction is simply the speed at which a reaction takes place. There…

IAL Addition Polymers Notes

7 years ago

The polymer is a long chain molecule which is formed by joining many small molecules called monomers. Addition polymers are…

IAL Intermolecular Forces Notes

7 years ago

Intermolecular forces are weak attractive forces between molecules. There are three types of intermolecular forces. The first one is called…

Preparation of salts and solubility of salts

7 years ago

Whenever you hear the word "salt", what comes to your mind? Most probably the table salt. The white powder which…

IAL Halogenoalkanes Notes

7 years ago

Halogenoalkanes Halogenoalkanes are a homologous series in the organic chemistry. They are compounds with alkyl radicals with halogen atom or…

IAL Electronegativity and bond polarity Notes

7 years ago

What is electronegativity? Electronegativity is the measure of the power of an atom to pull the bond pair towards itself…

Giant Chemical structures and intermolecular forces

7 years ago

What is everything is made of? An atom is the most basic building block in the universe, it is the…

IAL Chemistry- Global warming, climate change and greenhouse gases

7 years ago

Global Warming Global warming is a phenomenon of heating of the earth's atmosphere. The sun's infrared radiation comes into the…

IGCSE Concepts of dynamic chemical equilibrium Notes

7 years ago

The Chemical Equilibrium or Dynamic Equilibrium The equilibrium is a state which some reactions reach It is also called dynamic…